Bicrypto Mobile - Fully Native Flutter Mobile App for Bicrypto

Flutter Bicrypto Mobile - Fully Native Flutter Mobile App for Bicrypto v3.1.1

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Version 3.1.1 Release Notes​

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 3.1.1, which focuses on UI enhancements, performance improvements, and critical bug fixes. This update is designed to further streamline the user experience and address several key issues identified in the previous version. Below is a summary of the changes:

UI Enhancements & Visual Improvements​

  • Home Page & Navigation:
    • Enhanced the UI of home tickers for a more polished appearance.
    • Improved navigation bar UI for better usability and visual consistency.
    • Enhanced market UI on the home page to provide clearer and more accessible information.
  • Components & Add-ons:
    • Streamlined the adding process by allowing all additions to be managed from a single component.
    • Improved the shimmer effect for adding components to create a smoother user experience.
    • Reduced loading time for add-ons, improving overall application performance.
  • Market & Trading Improvements:
    • Enhanced market UI for better visibility and interaction.
    • Improved the responsiveness and speed of the OHLCV (Open, High, Low, Close, Volume) data updates, especially in canceling and fetching new data.

Bug Fixes​

  • Resolved an issue with the live mode in the chart, ensuring accurate real-time data display.
  • Fixed a null error occurring during user registration, improving the reliability of the registration process.
  • Addressed visibility issues with the AI Investment feature, ensuring it is prominently displayed.
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Bicrypto Mobile App v3.0.0 is packed with a wide range of features to enhance your cryptocurrency trading and investment experience:

Live Trading: Trade with real-time charts, depth charts, and a live order book.
Market Insights: Access market data and filter coins and symbols easily.
News Updates: Stay informed with the latest cryptocurrency news.
Wallet Management: Seamlessly deposit, withdraw, and transfer funds.
Support System: Create support tickets and engage in live chat for assistance.
P2P Trading: Enjoy peer-to-peer trading with live chat functionality.
Announcements: Get all important updates and view admin-managed sliders.
Forex Trading: Invest and manage transactions in the forex market with ease.
Investment Opportunities: Explore and invest in various opportunities.
ICO Participation: Join Initial Coin Offerings and invest early.
Staking Pool: Participate in staking pools for rewards.
KYC Compliance: Complete KYC verification securely.
E-commerce: Purchase digital and downloadable products seamlessly.
Blog: Read articles and stay updated with our blog.

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